Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Arizona State Fair

This year I went to the fair only to see the Demolition Durby. Of course being from Orange County I had no idea what it was all about. My friend Hilary was so excited not only because it was the durby but because it was my first time and our other friend Valerie's first time watching the durby. It was soo much fun. Just watching all the cars line up to show off their paint job or lack there of and than to watch them smash into each other until they no longer run was amazing. I was so glad that Hilary made me go with her that night. It was a blast. We totally wanted to go again on saturday but we had other things that we had to do on saturday. But it was the best ever! Plus I got to eat funnel cake!! MMMMMMM
Gotta love the fair and all the deep fried goodness!!!

So there was this sign and we all just had to take a picture near it. We thought that it was too funny to pass up!

From left to right: Valerie, Chelsea, Zach, Hilary...what a bunc of fruites...and veggies!!

Valerie kept seens these huge lemon stands so we had to take a pitcure with them!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Starting Out

So I've been seeing all these people with this "blog spot" website where they post pictures and comments and what not and decided that I should start one so that the few people who look at it will be able to see what I've been doing. I wish I would have done this all 4 ok ok ok all 5 years of my college education. I could have had a wonderful account of my college life from the begining. It would have been an online scrap book. Oh well. At least I've started it now. Better late than never right.