So on Sunday I was going to get a spoon out of the drawer and a HUGE cockroach was climbing all over the silverware and it totally freaked me out.

I grabbed the only bug spray that I had and I just started spraying. The cockroach climbed out of the drawer and down the cabinet to where all our pots and pans were. When I went to spray it under the cabinets I saw two more that were stuck butt to butt and I was afraid that they were mating and I was NOT going to have baby cockroaches playing about. So my "knight in shining armor"

a.k.a Collette grabbed the spray and sprayed the crap out of them until they died. It was so funny watching her yell at them as she sprayed them into a very slow and painful death. So we pulled all the pots and pans out of the cabinet and washed them all to make sure that none of them had icky stuff on them (they are all in the Arizona room right now).
It took us about a week to finally pull all the rest of the stuff out of the cabinets, pick up the dead cockroaches spray. We just finished spraying and cleaning everything. Now we are just waiting for the toxic smell to dissipate so we can put everything back together. Don't worry Parker is in my room and wont be allowed out without supervision.
So while we wait we are off to Adrienne's house for a dip in the pool because its about a million degree outside and we're starting to get high off the fumes!!
Hey Chelsea. Cute blog!
That is gross, I will never eat at your house or use the silverware. Just teasing!!!
great blog. Very ugly roach..... Nice Knight picture....
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